
For Immediate Release

June 14, 2007
TerpSys awarded the "Workplace Excellence" Award by the Alliance for Workplace Excellence
Alliance for Workplace Excellence(Rockville, Maryland) - On June 14th at the North Bethesda Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, the Alliance for Workplace Excellence presented the CEO's and heads of Human Resources of 60 Greater Washington, DC Area employers with the 2007 Workplace Excellence Award and the 2007 Health & Wellness Trailblazer Award.

Of the 60 employers being honored, 59 will be receiving the Workplace Excellence Award and 13 the Health & Wellness Trailblazer Award.

Both the Workplace Excellence and Health & Wellness Trailblazer Awards were created to recognize visionary employers that are paving the way to a workplace where men and women are able to experience professional fulfillment and success and personal wellness not only at work, but also at home and within the community.

TerpSys earned both the Workplace Excellence and Health & Wellness Trailblazer Awards for 2007.

Andrew Hartman, Senior Network Engineer, accepted the award on the company's behalf. "In the working world today, it has become more and more difficult to achieve a healthy work-life balance. TerpSys strives to create an environment where this balance is not only possible, but encouraged and supported. With all the time people spend at work, it becomes paramount to create an environment where individuals can achieve success in the workplace without compromising the health or well being of themselves and their families. We continually strive to improve our programs and benefits to allow all of our employees to achieve this balance, and are honored to be receiving this award from the Alliance for Work Place Excellence."

TerpSys is a technology company, focused on customer service. How may we help you?

Our mission is to delight our customers, challenge ourselves, and serve our communities. Our strong corporate culture drives our business because we feel that if our employees are well taken care of, it will then translate into a better customer experience.

We strive to be a leader in the IT community by delivering incredible customer service.

We also strive to be leaders in the community through the generous giving of time, talent, and treasure. Our staff and Company are shining examples that corporate social responsibility truly is the right thing to do.

TerpSys’ reputation in the industry and the community is of the highest regard, and we are very proud to have earned that through more than twenty (20) years of dedication to our mission.

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TerpSys is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.
Terrapin Systems®, TerpSys®, and the TerpSys logo and are registered service marks of Terrapin Systems LLC.
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