
Data Storage and Protection

TerpSys provides cost-effective enterprise data storage solutions to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and high availability for our Federal customers. We design high-performing, secure storage solutions to address a wide variety of government needs, including user applications, research, imaging, informatics, and other systems requiring complex data configurations.

Our storage services typically include high capacity data storage for individuals and groups whose storage requirements exceed traditional data storage limits in the realm of Big Data. TerpSys has experience maintaining large storage repositories of multiple petabytes in the Federal marketplace.

TerpSys works closely with stakeholders to provide the right amount of storage, at the right time, and at the right cost based on capacity, performance, and security requirements. We analyze data patterns and characteristics to design cost-effective, high-performance storage solutions that address specific needs, whether that is arrays with large file system block sizes or standard databases with smaller block sizes. TerpSys has experience in determining the best storage solutions based on these characteristics, to include Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Network Attached Storage (NAS), and Storage Area Network (SAN) implementations.

TerpSys provides network data protection solutions, including:

  • Backup media management
  • Backup policy management
  • Auditing
  • Data Restoration
  • Capacity Planning
  • Design and implementation of scalable backup solutions
  • Regulatory Compliance

We protect our customers’ data by eliminating single points of failure, providing fault tolerance, and implementing physical security measures such as fire suppression systems, emergency water shutoff valves, and emergency power shut-off for servers. We take care to ensure that all team members are adequately trained in the operation of each as well.

Let us know how we may help you.   Contact Us

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TerpSys is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.
Terrapin Systems®, TerpSys®, and the TerpSys logo and are registered service marks of Terrapin Systems LLC.
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