A TerpSys Success Story

TerpSys Creates Training Materials for MiTek Industries

MiTek Industries is the world's leading supplier of state-of-the-art engineered products and services for the building components industry. With offices and subsidiaries worldwide, each with its own web presence, MiTek needed a way to train its users how to create and maintain their organization’s web site.

MiTek Ektron

TerpSys helped MiTek meet their needs with the following:
  • Training Site - TerpSys created a training site, providing examples of every feature and template available within the MiTek website system. Individual organizations are provided a copy of the training site, allowing them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the system and test out features.
  • Documentation - TerpSys provided written documentation describing each feature and template within the system.  This documentation tied in to the Training Site, providing live examples of the different functional pieces of the system.
  • On-site Training - TerpSys conducted multiday hands-on training sessions for two of the larger divisions within MiTek.
  • Virtual Training - TerpSys provided specialized, virtual training for smaller subsidiaries, focusing on the features specific to their websites.
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