Reclaiming Autonomy for the National Register
With full ownership of a completely redesigned database and user site, the National Register uses the NR Client to support its mission like never before.
TerpSys built a from-scratch database and website to replace a poorly designed, costly to maintain, and vendor-controlled system. Thanks to our solution, the NR Client is:
- Serving the Industry – The National Register is able to efficiently validate the certification of professional Psychologists.
- Self-sufficient – The National Register owns the NR Client source codes, data files, and documentation so that ongoing maintenance is no longer vendor controlled.
- Up-to-date – The NR Client replaced an obsolete system and uses the latest Microsoft ASP.NET technology and SQL Server, both of which are widely supported within the industry.
- Multi-function – In addition to certification, The NR Client provides in-depth search information about registrant Psychologists to the public and enables communication between registrants and staff.
- User-Friendly – The NR Client allows for registrants to maintain their own profile, utilizing ‘pay online’ and email notification functions.